“Ugh …” I sigh in disappointment.
I’d been longing to spend some sweet morning time with the Lord outside on my patio. But when I opened the door, grey skies and wet ground stared back at me.
As I carry my quiet time tote bag back inside, my inner spirit deflates. As has happened so often before, I battle discouragement over the uncooperative winter weather. Instead of being surrounded by nature, I sit at the dining room table to complete my morning rhythm.
A while later, as I end my time in God's word and enter into a guided prayer, I turn on the instrumental music provided by the prayer app. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, settling my mind and heart.
The familiar melody instantly transports me back to the spring of 2024, when I sat on my patio daily for my morning rhythm and time with the Lord. I can picture the lush green grass, the fullness of the trees and bushes. I can envision the vibrant pinks and whites of delicate flowers all around me and smell the sweetness of magnolia blooms across the yard. I hear the birds tweeting to each other and the squirrels rustling in the branches. Most of all I sense the heat and light from the brilliant sun that peered over the trees. It's as if I feel the presence of the Lord through the sun's rays.
Tears of gratitude flow down my face as God blesses me with these sweet memories of being outside with him on so many beautiful spring days.
These new emotions triggered by memories of early 2024 surprise me. Why? Because although the environment around me was especially vibrant then, spiritually my heart was in a desolate place. The season according to the calendar was spring, but my heart was in a state of winter. During those months, I struggled with a period of burnout like I'd never experienced before. My body, mind, and spirit felt completely weighed down.
It was during that extended spiritual winter that God graciously led me into a season of Sabbath when I could rest in his refuge. Many days went by when all I could do was sit outside in the presence of the Lord, soaking in His glorious creation and listen for the whispers of His grace and mercy in His Word.
So now, as I sit at my dining table on this cold end-of-year morning, God reminds me of Psalm 27:5
During those long days of spring God kept me “in the shelter of his sacred tent”– in the refuge of his Word. And now, here on this dreary December day, he “set me high on a rock” — reminding me that he planted my feet in the salvation of his son Jesus.
As I continue to reminisce on the sweet times with Jesus, sunshine on my face,
I have a stirring realization:
I’ve begun to view the winter season differently.
God included the winter in the cycle of seasons for a special purpose. During this time the earth becomes dormant for a period of rest, restoration and preparation for a new growing season.
Our lives are also meant to have these cycles of rest before new activity and growth.
And as much as I dislike cold dreary drizzly days — and how they affect my mood — I know that even they can serve a purpose.
So when YOU feel like you’re in a season of darkness, I encourage you to ask if this might be a sign from God that he is allowing a season of slowing or stopping activity in order for you to rest, restore and prepare for a new growing season.
Knowing the purpose they serve can help you to view your periods of darkness —struggles, challenges, grief— as a contrast to the magnificence of JESUS.
Times of darkness make the times of light more brilliant! They can allow us to see HIM more brilliantly.Our dark, dreary, winter seasons can remind us of a powerful truth:Jesus himself IS the light!
Regardless of what season you are in now — a spiritual winter or spiritual spring — I encourage you to immerse yourself in a rhythm of spending time with God daily. You might think of it as your restorative daily sabbath.
There is such a beautiful restorative power
…. in the rhythm of sabbath rest.
…. in the simplicity of sitting quietly in worship.
…. in listening to or reading God's Word.
…. in recognizing God’s amazing creation.
…. in jotting down thoughts and questions to God.
However this rhythm may look to you, use this daily sabbath to embrace what HE has for you right here, right NOW.
And know that He will multiply the restorative power of your Sabbath rest in the seasons yet to come.

Melissa MacGregor is a Healthy Lifestyle Mentor and writer passionate about equipping women to cultivate their lives and home with God-honoring, healthy rhythms.
Her devotionals are written from a place of vulnerability and truth, reflecting on the challenges that God has brought her
through in her own life and health journey.
Connect with Melissa and subscribe to her email
devotions at melissakmacgregor.com
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