Jesus calls us to live an extraordinarily radical life. During His time on earth, He lived in a
completely countercultural way, interacting with outcasts, welcoming interruptions, and taking
time away from busyness to connect with His Father. He quieted His heart, mind, and soul, and
lived intentionally. Today, He invites us to do the same.
If we are honest with ourselves, do we truly live lives that are radically different from the world
around us? Do we embody the example set by Jesus? If you answered yes, then I am
impressed (and let’s hang out because I’d love to get to know you and learn how you’re doing
that in our world today!). However, I suspect many of us would answer no. So, what sets us
apart from others? Are we demonstrating the love, grace, and truth of Christ, even when it
involves hard truths? Is the fruit of the Spirit evident in our lives, or are we merely producing
“culturally normal” fruit?
In Ephesians 4, Paul instructs believers to live out the new life that God has given us through
Jesus. He emphasizes the stark difference between Gentiles (non-believers) and those who
follow Christ. His words about Gentiles are sobering: their hearts are “darkened in their
understanding,” they are “alienated from the life of God,” they “have given themselves up to
sensuality, greedy to practice every kind of impurity”, and they have “become callous.”
Why are Gentiles in this state? Paul explains: “Due to the hardness of heart” (Ephesians 4:18).
But there is a better way for followers of Jesus! He urges us to “put off your old self, which
belongs to your former manner of life and is corrupt through deceitful desires, and to be
renewed in the spirit of your minds, and to put on the new self, created after the likeness of God in true righteousness and holiness.”
So, how do we truly live this radically different life—the new life that Paul describes?
If we are to reflect the character of Christ in a countercultural way, we must first understand
what it means to fully surrender to Him. Living in alignment with Jesus today might look different for each of us. For some, it could mean resisting the relentless pressure to fill our children's schedules with every extracurricular activity, prioritizing quality time and meaningful connections instead. For others, it might involve the courage to boldly share the message of Jesus with colleagues, breaking the silence around our faith in a world that often shies away from it.
Perhaps it means letting go of an addiction or breaking free from the grip of excessive screen
time that distracts us from what truly matters. It might also mean challenging the urge to remain perpetually busy—constantly rushing from one obligation to another—without taking the necessary moments to breathe, reflect, and recharge.
To live this life of radical surrender, we must wholeheartedly embrace the plans and purposes
God has for us. This requires deep trust in His goodness, love, and sovereignty, believing firmly that He always has our best interests at heart. Romans 8:28 reassures us, “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good.” This surrender calls for a renewal of our minds to align our thoughts with those of Jesus, understanding that we were created in His image. We are meant to be vibrant reflections of God’s nature in a world that desperately needs His light. In every decision and every action, let us strive to embody the transformative power of Christ, showcasing His love and grace to those around us.
Sister, if you struggle with any culturally accepted behaviors, you are not alone. I wrestle daily
with the desire to be liked and accepted, to chase the next best thing, and to meet cultural
norms. I don’t always follow the Lord’s leading in my life. But these verses in Ephesians have
convicted me that ultimately, none of the ways of the world truly matter. We are called to love
God and glorify Him in all we do. We are called to live differently from those around us. We are called to put off the old ways of living, before we had Jesus, and to live a life surrendered to God.
It’s okay to be nervous - I certainly am. But let’s stand together, arm in arm, and take the world
by storm - living a life fully surrendered to the ways of Jesus, and living radically different than
the world around us. I encourage you to examine your heart and ask the Lord to reveal where
you need to surrender to Him most. I promise He will answer!
Lauren is a wife, daughter, sister, friend and a follower of Jesus. She is passionate about ministry and discipleship and is the CEO and lead consultant for Ozark Ministry Consulting, where she empowers and equips ministry leaders to lead sustainable ministries through focused discipleship and strategic planning. Reach out at