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A Lesson in Humility - Goodbye Luncheons and Fellowship

AnnMarie Anderson
He wasn’t very talkative and only wanted to hang out
Sweet Boy Playing

“Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” John 13:14-15.

Jesus’ example of washing His disciple’s feet showed them what humble service looked like. It revealed the depth of His love to the disciples, a character quality He wanted them to display as they spread the Gospel in the days to come.

If the Creator of the universe will lovingly stoop low to perform the lowliest of tasks, shouldn’t we follow in His footsteps?

God prepared a lesson for me during the year my youngest child started all-day kindergarten. I had been dreaming of this day… Time for myself, all the projects I could finally accomplish, and the new interests I could pursue with gusto.

I’d been attending a Bible Study with a children’s program, and my youngest attended with me. Since she was in school, I could also attend the monthly (or spontaneous!) lunches without hunting down the all-elusive childcare. (Note the overabundance of “I’s” in these sentences…)

Three months into my newfound freedom, the children’s leader approached me to see if I would fill in for the last half of the year. My crestfallen face led her to ask me to pray about it before I gave her my answer. I agreed to pray.

I knew in my heart I would accept the position, but in my head, a battle of “I don’t want to” raged. It meant an extra day of meetings, extra preparation time, and staying later on lesson days.

Goodbye luncheons and fellowship.

On my first day, I found I was not the only newbie in class. A tiny, shy, blond-haired boy appeared; glued to his Mom’s side.

I was sitting on the floor next to a bin of small toy cars. Apparently, he liked cars (and me) because we instantly clicked. He wasn’t very talkative and only wanted to hang out with me. 

He became my little buddy, seeking me out each week and never seemed fazed when his Mom left. He was my quiet, sweet shadow.

Saying goodbye on the last day of class, I told his Mom I felt like Dorothy in the “Wizard of Oz” when she had to leave the Scarecrow behind- I would miss her boy most of all.

His Mom replied she had initially hesitated to even join the Bible study and bring him to the children’s program, as he had special needs and didn’t think he could handle it.

She said, “I prayed and prayed for a leader that would be a perfect fit for him. I could hardly believe it when he immediately became drawn to you that first day, and you two became such good buddies. Thank you for being his leader.”

Upon hearing her kind words, I dissolved into tears. They still well up in my eyes today, just thinking of that moment. Hot tears of shame poured from the conviction of the selfish and begrudging “yes” I had given when asked to serve; but thanking God for using me even though I didn’t want to commit to His plans.

Pleas of forgiveness flooded my heart for making it all about me. God planned for me to be an answer to this Moms’ fervent prayer for her child. Talk about being humbled! What a great lesson and blessing I received that day. God took my feeble yes and answered that Mom’s prayer.

Jesus made this promise to His disciples after modeling pure and loving service to others:

“Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.” John 13:17.

We can know in our heads that humility and service are important, but until we put them into practice, we cannot imagine the blessings He will bring! Oh, how He blessed me that day, even though my selfish attitude prevented me from knowing what was to come.

He models a servant’s heart for us in many other ways, too. He tells us, “I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me.” John 6:38.

Jesus’ purpose was to do the will of His Father, not to follow His human desires. A servant’s heart is obedient to the will of God. 

Jesus’ motivation in serving was His great love for us. Likewise, His love should motivate us in our service, and our actions should clearly be His reflection.

Jesus healed many with the warning not to tell anyone who he was. A servant’s heart is not self-promoting but filled with humility.

The world embraces praise and recognition, but Jesus flips that around and says greatness comes through humble service.

“If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Mark 9:35.

Our greatest ambition should be to serve others. Serving doesn’t always come easy, and it’s not always exciting. People can even respond to our service with ingratitude!

What can we do? First and always, pray. Pray for His spiritual vision to see what He does and compassion for others.  Ask Him where He needs you. Listen for the promptings of the Holy Spirit to where you might serve. Then, be “doers of the word” (James 1:22), following through when you see a need. You never know what difference you can make in your own little corner of this world. You might even be the answer to someone’s prayer!



“Serve one another humbly in love.” Galatians 5:13.

Contributing Author
AnnMarie Anderson

AnnMarie Anderson answered the call to reach busy women with the hope and encouragement of God's Word in 2017, publishing weekly uplifting blog posts and offering a free Biblical Resource Library. She had been in that busy place of job, home, family, and commitments with little time or energy to dig into the Bible. You can find her at

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