Children’s Safe Harbor brings together a team of professionals to help a child victim of abuse trauma and their non-offending family members. Forensic interviewers, victim and family advocates, sexual assault nurse examiners, law enforcement SVU teams, the Department of Family and Protective Services caseworkers, and counselors come together in one place to work as a multi-disciplinary team to serve the child and family. She’s doing great now. In fact, she’s thriving. But if her parents didn’t have access to a children’s advocacy center, this could have been a much different story with a darker outcome. But they did. It took time, but the healing eventually happened and today the light of hope is shining strong as this 26-year-old young adult woman is whole again and strong.
In 2009, Kim and Scott Perry’s 11-year-old daughter experienced sexual abuse by a family member. “I remember so clearly the day she opened up and told me,” said Kim. She was on her way to her cousin’s sweet sixteen birthday party. “My daughter approached me and said she needed to tell me something. What she shared with me about stopped my heart, but I instinctively knew to remain calm and keep listening to her as she struggled to describe what had happened.” She had at first thought it was a bad dream – that she must have been dreaming. But she realized that it happened.
Scott adds, “My wife and I were devastated. We were just frozen and numb in bewilderment. I remember losing my focus for a while … feeling so angry and scared at the same time.” Her uncle was the person she told her parents was the one who had hurt her, the Dad of the cousin who was having her sweet sixteen birthday party. “I stayed home with our daughter, while my wife and two other daughters went to the party,” Scott said. “Somehow, we were guided that night to move through to support our entire family.”
Kim said, “We didn’t know what to do or where to go, or who to turn to. I mean, who would know in that situation? After we contacted the police, we were directed to Children’s Safe Harbor, which for us was a saving grace. They were a guidepost to help us all navigate a horrible situation. I am proud to say today that we got through it, and we are eternally grateful for their help and guidance. They saved our daughter’s life.”
In 2009, Kim and Scott didn’t have this clear pathway where everyone was located on the same campus. In fact, when they share their story this is one of the aspects of hope in 2025 that they can see makes such a difference to families experiencing pain and trauma. Kim explained, “Our children’s advocacy center is so essential to our community. Without Children’s Safe Harbor, the healing is not going to happen.”
Statistics show that untreated, child victims of sexual abuse and assault often later exhibit drug and alcohol abuse, risky behavior, school truancy, and as adults have trouble establishing trusting relationships and consistent employment. Trauma therapy for children and their families was critical to their daughter’s healing and walk toward justice. At 13, after her time in therapy, Kim and Scott’s daughter made her victim impact statement in a courtroom in Montgomery County. “With great courage,” Kim shared, “she really only wanted 3 things for her uncle: 1) that he would tell the truth and ask her forgiveness; 2) to get his own counseling to help and show up for his family; and 3) to give money to Children’s Safe Harbor!”
Scott adds, “Well, she got the first two wishes granted! And the heart of her impact story was that she didn’t want her cousins to grow up without their Dad if he had to go to prison.”
“The unfortunate truth is that this tragedy can happen to any family,” said Kim. “It can affect anyone. She would not be where she is today without Children’s Safe Harbor. They gave us the tools and the toolbox to cope and heal. It truly takes a village. Ours is a success story. Our daughter is doing amazing. Time doesn’t heal; it is what you do with the time that heals.”
Children’s Safe Harbor serves the counties of Montgomery, Walker, and San Jacinto. Last year alone, it reviewed nearly 9,000 cases of abuse. Since its inception 26 years ago, Children's Safe Harbor has served over 28,000 children.
For more information about Children’s Safe Harbor, visit www.ChildrensSafeHarbor.org or call 936-756-4644. If you suspect child abuse, call the Child Abuse Hotline at 1-800-252-5400
Event : Woodforest Charitable Foundation Capital Campaign Luncheon Honoring Kim & Robert Marling of Woodforest Charitable Foundation
Friday, March 28, 2025
The Woodlands Waterway Marriott
For more information, visit:
ChildrensSafeHarbor.org or call (936) 756-4644.

Submitted by Liz Grimm Public Relations Liz Grimm - With over 20 years of experience in Public
Relations and Marketing Communications, Liz Grimm is accredited as an APR in the field of Public Relations and possesses experience on the corporate side, agency side, and as a business owner. The APR Designation is a professional accreditation by the Public Relations Society of America which demonstrates a high level of competence in the practice of public relations.