Liz Grimm
With over 20 years of experience in Public Relations and Marketing
Communications, Liz Grimm is accredited as an APR in the field of Public Relations and possesses experience on the corporate side, agency side, and as a business owner.
The APR Designation is a professional accreditation by the Public Relations Society of America which demonstrates a high level of competence in the
practice of public relations.
Note from Liz
Liz Grimm Public Relations is a public relations and marketing communications firm based in The Woodlands, Texas. Serving as a ‘virtual’ partner for local businesses, clients receive the benefits of:
Quality service and experience.
One-to-one customer service.
The ultimate flexibility you need to accomplish your communication goals.
Discover what Liz Grimm Public Relations can do to enhance your business by reaching and influencing your key audiences.