Susan Bolinger
Susan Bolinger is an Author of the book, “Bloom – A Process to Achieve Complete Forgiveness”. She has a YouTube Channel where you can follow her video series “Forgiveness in Five.” To order a copy of Susan’s book and to obtain more information on her ministry, check out the links below.

Note From Susan
“I love to minister to women who have been broken. That in essence is ‘all of us’. We all have experienced hurt on some level, but when you stay in that hurt, you can fall into a victim mindset. You end up creating a breeding ground for hate, anger and bitterness to take root in your heart, which leads you down a path that can be difficult to overcome. I desire to equip women to fight back against the enemy of our souls and place weapons of warfare in their arsenal of defense. I want to pull women out of their painful pasts where failure and defeat exists, to grab them by the hand, walk along beside them into the beautiful future the Lord has planned for their lives and remind them how much our Lord loves them. “Bloom – A Process to Achieve Complete Forgiveness” will take you on a journey of your heart so you can overcome and truly become FREE! As you walk into the purpose for which God created you to do, you can check out my Daily Devotionals on my Facebook Page for ongoing encouragement and insight into the Word of God. Blessings to you!”
About Bloom & How to Order:
BLOOM - A Process to Achieve Complete Forgiveness Introduction
Click this link to order the book: Bloom – A Process to Achieve Complete Forgiveness
Click this link for a video introduction
We all long for forgiveness when we’ve wronged others. However, forgiving those that have deeply wounded and scarred us can be one of life’s greatest difficulties. But, because we have been forgiven by a Savior who died in our place on the cross, Jesus gives us the grace to learn to forgive others, just as He has forgiven us.
Bloom provides an experience that allows you to heal, let go of past hurts, failures and unforgiveness to break free from a life of poor choices so you can reach your full potential in Christ. This process will enable you to come to the place of true forgiveness with everyone who has hurt you. It will teach you how to lay it all down at the feet of Jesus, once and for all. By following these simple instructions, you will be well on your way to overcoming the biggest weapon Satan uses against you – your most tender emotions. You will encounter God in a way that allows converting grace to transform your soul that was once in the wilderness, to rejoice with joy and cause it to bloom abundantly! Complete forgiveness can be achieved through this process. Will it be easy? No. Will it be worth it? Absolutely!
“Bloom, by definition, is an ideal moment for something to occur. Forgiveness, whether given or received, is that magnificent moment! It is the deeply profound realization that you no longer have to carry the burden. Freedom cannot be measured, only embraced. It will change you in ways you haven’t yet imagined.” ~ Sheila Kelley