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Gail Root 


Join Gail live once a month for an in depth training.Get to know her, come “taste and see” if you are called to grow with her in your business.

Connect with Gail on her Kingdom DreamchasersTM podcast:

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Check out her book, “Master Your Morning and Change Everything:

SixSteps to Life-Changing Intimacy with Jesus” on Amazon:

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Note from Gail

Hello friend. I am a daughter of the King, wife to my hubby for 30 years, momma to our three sons, lover of travel, adventure, entrepreneurship and all things Kingdom!


My passion is equipping women with Kingdom tools to get positioned for the MASSIVE INCOME & IMPACT God is calling them to… Learn to walk in their true identity as a

Daughter of the King, honoring the call on their life to yoke WITH God and watch Him accomplish amazing things in YOUR life for the Kingdom!


I was blessed to spend over 25 years leading teams in both Direct Sales and Network Marketing, then God called me to retire so that I can exclusively focus on coaching His Daughter’s to THRIVE in online business.


As a believer, I want you to know God called you to your business! Stop letting the enemy tell you this is your “little side hustle" or "little hobby” – its actually your ministry in the marketplace!



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Throughout The Sisterhood Magazine, biblical scriptures are thoughtfully woven into the content, both quoted directly and paraphrased by our Contributing Authors. These scriptural references serve to encourage, uplift, and guide our readers in their faith journey. Scriptures may be presented from various translations, including the King James Version (KJV), New International Version (NIV), English Standard Version (ESV), and New Living Translation (NLT), ensuring clarity and accessibility while preserving the truth and power of God's Word.

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