AnnMarie Anderson
AnnMarie Anderson answered the call to reach busy women with the hope and encouragement of God's Word in 2017, publishing weekly uplifting blog posts and offering a free Biblical Resource Library. She had been in
that busy place of job, home, family, and commitments with little time
or energy to dig into the Bible.
Note from AnnMarie
The world embraces praise and recognition, but Jesus flips that around and says greatness comes through humble service. “If anyone wants to be first, he must be the very last, and the servant of all.” Mark 9:35.
Our greatest ambition should be to serve others. Serving doesn’t always come easy, and it’s not always exciting. People can even respond to our service with ingratitude!
What can we do?
First and always, pray. Pray for His spiritual vision to see what He does and compassion for others.
Ask Him where He needs you. Listen for the promptings of the Holy Spirit to where you might serve. Then, be “doers of the word” (James 1:22), following through when you see a need. You never know what difference you can make in your own little corner of this world. You might even be the answer to someone’s prayer!